Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Getting There!

Shadow of the Brick 2 is almost done. I thank you all for being so patient with me. Progress has been really slow as of late. (I recently purchased a PS3, which has been gnawing away my life it seems...) But I assure you, I am diligently progressing, working on it every day I can get the time to do so. I have even tried to neglect sleep to catch up on adding sound. So far I'll say 75% of the movie is finished. Sound and additional scenes are yet to be completed. Some scenes I am planning on re-doing to improve the quality. This movie means allot to me, and I want it to be perfect, so I hope you understand the delay.

The movie will be released when it's done, other than that, I can't say, or give a concrete deadline. Just stay with me here, I promise it'll be worth the wait.

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