Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Finally! A post.

Sorry I haven’t posted anything here except the videos. I promise to put more here about my progress on the movie.

So far I have taken easily over 1,000 pictures as of now, and I’m only half done with the movie. I haven’t been working on it as hard as I have wanted to; school keeps getting in the way. Luckily it’s almost over so I’ll have more time to devote to it during the summer. As I have promised, I will try to finish and release in the month of June. When in June, I can’t tell you, but I hope to get a lot done over vacation.

Over the next couple weeks, you’ll want to check up on this blog for exclusive behind the sense movies you won’t be able to access on my Youtube account. Such movies include a look at deleted colossi battle sense from the early production of Shadow of the Brick 2.

Also coming out soon, Shadow of the Brick Production Documentary Part Three: Set Preparation, where I take you behind the sense of a set of a colossi battle. Here I’ll show you were I film, and what it’s like behind the camera.

I plan to do allot more on this site, and hope I can keep you enthralled till the movie comes out. Thank you for you interest in my movies, and hope you enjoy SotB2.

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