Saturday, October 13, 2007

Building the Colossus

Here I show the process of preparing the "wall crawling" colossus for filming. Kind of had a Survivorman vibe here...


In this behind the sense look, I show you the settings behind the camera.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Shadow of the Brick postponed till late October.

Shadow of Brick 2 has been pushed back. The reason is college, room renovation, and other personal matters. I am sorry you have to wait, I'll try to do my best to get it out. to think SotB1 took two weeks to come out...

Third Production Documentary out soon. (Setting)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Update on my progress...

Work on the "master time line" has begun, Shadow of the Brick 2 is almost done. So far I feel that I am done with filming, and am finishing editing the movie. next I'll add the music and pollish the sound. Stay in there guys and girls, it's almost done!

Here's a little thing to keep your eyes happy during the wait.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Getting There!

Shadow of the Brick 2 is almost done. I thank you all for being so patient with me. Progress has been really slow as of late. (I recently purchased a PS3, which has been gnawing away my life it seems...) But I assure you, I am diligently progressing, working on it every day I can get the time to do so. I have even tried to neglect sleep to catch up on adding sound. So far I'll say 75% of the movie is finished. Sound and additional scenes are yet to be completed. Some scenes I am planning on re-doing to improve the quality. This movie means allot to me, and I want it to be perfect, so I hope you understand the delay.

The movie will be released when it's done, other than that, I can't say, or give a concrete deadline. Just stay with me here, I promise it'll be worth the wait.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Shadow of the Brick 2: Deleted Scenes

During the early production of Shadow of the Brick 2, 2 colossi battles were filmed, but were later discarded due to poor quality. In this special feature, I do commentary for the two scenes, and tell how they were intended.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Finally! A post.

Sorry I haven’t posted anything here except the videos. I promise to put more here about my progress on the movie.

So far I have taken easily over 1,000 pictures as of now, and I’m only half done with the movie. I haven’t been working on it as hard as I have wanted to; school keeps getting in the way. Luckily it’s almost over so I’ll have more time to devote to it during the summer. As I have promised, I will try to finish and release in the month of June. When in June, I can’t tell you, but I hope to get a lot done over vacation.

Over the next couple weeks, you’ll want to check up on this blog for exclusive behind the sense movies you won’t be able to access on my Youtube account. Such movies include a look at deleted colossi battle sense from the early production of Shadow of the Brick 2.

Also coming out soon, Shadow of the Brick Production Documentary Part Three: Set Preparation, where I take you behind the sense of a set of a colossi battle. Here I’ll show you were I film, and what it’s like behind the camera.

I plan to do allot more on this site, and hope I can keep you enthralled till the movie comes out. Thank you for you interest in my movies, and hope you enjoy SotB2.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Capturing and Adding Sound

Here I show the process of capturing sound from the game, and adding it to the movie.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Preparation and Timeline Creation

Here I show the process of preparing the images. Then I put them in sequence in a timeline on Window's Movie Maker.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Welcome to the Shadow of the Brick Production Blog. I am Matt Obrebski, the creator, animator, and editor of the Lego spoof of the legendary game. Here I will post updates and behind the scenes videos taking you into the long, and tedious process of making the sequel to my popular movie. Stay tuned for updates and news of my progress.