Friday, August 8, 2008

On Vacation!

I worked all week up until today, and it was quite a cram! I'll be leaving for vacation for two weeks, and won't have the film done before the end of Summer like I planned. I decided to do more filming of extra scenes, and redo some too. The extra scenes are for during the credits, to make it look more like the game's ending credits with the dilapidated colossi.
I also remade the shadow people.

And built the bridge.

Here's some more pictures behind scenes.


Friday, August 1, 2008

First showing!

I showed both my sister and my mom the movie in its current state. I don't know what caused it, but I felt more critical about it while they were watching it. I felt compelled to comment on all the parts I needed to fix or was planning to redo. All in all, besides being obligated to like it, they both were impressed.

I feel that two and a half long credits is a bit too obsessive for a five+ minute film. I might end up not using two pieces of music for it.

I hope everybody likes it, I put so much work into it, it's been a year now, too.